Our view at Stack - GoCardless is a payment services provider - highlights include low processing rates, no monthly fee for the basic account, month-to-month billing without early termination fees, and extensive support for international payments. It’s optimized for direct bank payments, offering security and flexibility
GoCardless Ltd., Sutton Yard, 65 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7EN, United Kingdom
GoCardless (company registration number 07495895) is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017, registration number 597190, for the provision of payment services. GoCardless SAS (7 rue de Madrid, 75008. Paris, France), an affiliate of GoCardless Ltd (company registration number 834 422 180, R.C.S. PARIS), is authorised by the ACPR (French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority), Bank Code (CIB) 17118, for the provision of payment services.
If GoCardless is of interest and you'd like more information, please do make contact or take a look in more detail here.
Credit: Original article published here.